The formation of the EEC introduced a revolutionary component for European economic integration. Whilst the Organization for the European Economic Community (OEEC) enabled nations to liberalize on a non-discriminatory basis, the EEC removed all trade barriers on a discriminatory basis. The introduction of the EEC customs union coincided with a period of unprecedented economic prosperity3 and this largely offset the political and economic costs of liberalization-induced restructuring. This is highlighted by European unemployment averaging only 2.5 per cent and incomes either doubled, (France, Belgium and the Netherlands), or tripled (Germany and Italy)4 Furthermore the Common External Tariff (CET) applied by all EEC members was paid into the European Commission, highlighting a key feature of European integration and economic performance intertwining in this
The formation of the EEC introduced a revolutionary component for European economic integration. Whilst the Organization for the European Economic Community (OEEC) enabled nations to liberalize on a non-discriminatory basis, the EEC removed all trade barriers on a discriminatory basis. The introduction of the EEC customs union coincided with a period of unprecedented economic prosperity3 and this largely offset the political and economic costs of liberalization-induced restructuring. This is highlighted by European unemployment averaging only 2.5 per cent and incomes either doubled, (France, Belgium and the Netherlands), or tripled (Germany and Italy)4 Furthermore the Common External Tariff (CET) applied by all EEC members was paid into the European Commission, highlighting a key feature of European integration and economic performance intertwining in this