Another thirst for power became Japan who had been overruled by the Chinese for centuries in resources, territory, and mass population.
They profited from Hitler’s fascist commitments, taking advantage of the European colonial power and extended their control of East Asia’s mainland. “By the end of 1941, the German and Japanese drives for empire had converged to make World War II a conflict of continents” (Barlow, 2015, p 212). Yet, the British dominance, the rising Soviet Union, and United States was the biggest obstacle and competition to construe in a quest for global control that led to a Cold War. It became the Axis Powers of Germany, Italy, and Japan verses the Grand Alliance of Britain, The Soviet Union, and The United States. The Grand Alliance was too much for the Axis Power too hold, when the United States pushed in on Japan, who claimed the want to end imperialism, the stronger opponent became the U.S in that
situation. Renovation of the world. World War II started a renovation of the world and created more fight for global dominance. The Soviet Union moved in to reestablish the territories they won over Germany, like Poland, of their biggest territorial wins. Stalin of the Soviet Union also allied with Germany and created the Soviet-Pact. Hitler still alive and wanting power, who seemed to do just about anything to rule until he no longer lived, decided to attack his ally, Russia. Hitler wanted to rule the world and would do anything to make it happen. So, the well-known Operation Barbosa of the Phony War became one of the biggest invasions in World War history. The idea of creating a “living space” was Hitler’s last proposal of global dominance. Attack on Pearl Harbor. Meanwhile, the attack on Pearl Harbor pushed Japan for its quest to build an empire. “Mere territorial ambition, however does not explain the savagery with which the Japanese army treated Chinese noncombatants, especially after it overrun the capital Nanking in 1937” (Barlow, 2015, p.217). Japan had similar fascist quest as the Nazi’s and killed many Chinese infants, raping and molesting them. The resistance of trade with the United States was another reason the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. After several attempts to negotiate embargo, Japanese were not satisfied and joined the war incessantly. Their goal was to break the embargo exchange, to end interference with China, and build overseas empire that would give them the resource and market they lacked. On December 7, 1941, U.S. interference in the war became a devastation and everlasting existence. After the attack, Theodore Roosevelt allowed an attack back that caused mass devastation in Japan and America who resisted continuing with the war. Yet, foreign relations and alliance for the necessity of supplies and marketing became Roosevelts push to continue in the war. After much attempt, Germany, Italy, and Japan were defeated by the Grand Alliance and failed to create empires that would sustain their empires. “Certainly, there is much to be learned from the world as viewed through the eyes of the defeated – not only about the misery, disorientation, cynicism, and resentment, but also hope, resilience, vision, and dreams” (Dower, 1999, p.25). The rise. The new rise to strategy, power, and leadership reestablished after the mass destruction of World War II and the failed attempt of the Axis Powers. Ronald Reagan the new President of the United States constructed a new form of government called democracy that worked and formed a dominant nation. The Soviet Union and United States both formed new world dominance in their own way. The Soviet Union dominated in reestablishing a communist nation. The biggest issue leading to the Cold War after the end of the Second World War was that reconstruction was not beneficial to the USSR homeland. Meanwhile, in Europe the people who lost major defeat were trying to survive. Most housing stock was lost and the economy needed to be reestablished. It was hard to work with communist societies and Stalin’s new proposal to fix the economy was non-negotiable to these nations: Hungary, Romania, and some still in Germany. So, instead of beating them, Stalin joined them and associated the USSR or the Cominform. Each communist party played their role in reinventing the economy. The Soviet Union broke alliance with the United States and Britain to form a communist nation with the individuals of Europe. The divide of nations and the lack of negotiation to sustain the world in economy, foreign affairs and global interrelatedness led to another war, The Cold War.