
How Did Germany's Actions Cause Ww2

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Cheyanne Sitch
Pod Cast 3 Part B

World War One had broken out in Europe. The United States at this time was neutral even though we were sending 1,000 horses daily to Europe. The Germans did not like this at all. During this time, in the United States there was a German newspaper that sold 75,000 newspapers a day. At this time, there was 8 million Germans in the US which equaled 1/10 of the population. Most of them where first generation immigrants. The war in Europe caused several problems. The Germans were allowed to sail into the United States, but once here had to stay because the British blockade was in effect. Allied ships where allowed to leave unlike the German ships. This made the German ambassador mad and he consequently said that they would attack if the blockade continued. Germany’s idea at this time was: if you keep America occupied at home, then they will not want to fight the war across the ocean. The Germans had great spies at this time. Their head spy master was Walter Nickoli. He had penetrated Russia and England then stole documents.
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Here he had his brief case. When he was on the subway, so was an agent, and this agent stole his brief case when Himerick had fallen asleep. In that brief case was 200 documents containing what the Germans had planned on buying. After this, Tom T. decided that the only way to get information was to illegally tap into the phone lines. During this time, President Wilson did not deal with this much; for over 2 years he wanted to keep the public calm. Wilson also wasn’t convinced until a chief aid brought the situation to his attention saying something had to be done. Wilson’s final straw was when the Germans had a plot to arm Mexico and put United States into a war against Mexico. On Flag Day 1917, Wilson explained that he never expected our friends to do this and it was time to go to war. The German ambassador was then

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