
How Did Hamlet Really Love Ophelia

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How Did Hamlet Really Love Ophelia
In Hamlet, there are many questions as to whether Hamlet really loves Ophelia. Throughout the play, Hamlet’s love for Ophelia is questioned by her and others around him . What Hamlet is doing in the play sometimes is trying to throw out the idea and make it seem like he does not love Ophelia anymore , even though he really does. Hamlet did not want Ophelia to become involved in case Claudius decided to get revenge on Hamlet. Hamlet shows his love for Ophelia when he confesses to her that he loves her, when he tells her to go to a nunnery to protect her. Although many could argue that Hamlet never loved Ophelia, he was just trying to throw everyone off "the trail". There is plenty of evidence proving that his love was true. For example …show more content…
He accuses her of being a "breeder of sinners" . Hamlet also says that if Ophelia were to marry, she'd turn her husband into a "monster" because she would destroy the person he once was. Ophelia is devastated by Hamlet's harsh behavior,and in the moment he says, "I loved you not", she most likely lose any feelings toward him. It is hard to know if Ophelia love Hamlet but if she did she was devastated that Hamlet, the man who once spoke to her with "words of so sweet breath" seems to turned on her and I, of ladies most deject and wretched,that sucked the honey of his music vows, now see that noble and most sovereign reason out of tune and harsh. Ophelia and Hamlet's relationship is nothing short of a typical game of cat and mouse. This entire time Hamlet has put himself out there constantly over and over again. No where in "Hamlet" does it say that Ophelia is in love with him. It even openly says that she just rejects his letters. His love for Ophelia is beyond any other women's dream. In his life he has been betrayed by his mother and he has taken it out on Ophelia. So there is evidence to one of the reasons Ophelia may not or will never love him. He was constantly abusing her verbally and emotionally. His hatred for his mother has almost blind Hamlet because almost every time they are together he has something rude and ignorant to say. " So you mis-take your husbands", he claims her and all the other women will and have mis-taken their husbands instead of taking them for better or worst. He makes Ophelia the advocate of women and when he does this he takes her and just unleashes his anger for women. Ultimately it is his mother's fault for ruining a mutual love between the two. Hamlet's mother is the one who made him into a monster." Or, if thou wilt needs marry, marry a fool; for wise men know well enough what monsters you make of them",

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