As mentioned before Herzl did not invent Zionism but he is the founder of political Zionism which utilized established powers to help establish the Jewish home. Herzl’s story starts as a simple Austro-Hungarian Jewish journalist who was also a minor playwright. He was disturbed by the anti-Semitism …show more content…
He tried to make deals with the Ottomans, the British government, the British Jewish nobility, and even the Pope. Even though most of these discussions were not successful he was able to insert himself into the minds of all these powerful entities as a legitimate organization. Zionism was also successful because it knew how to manipulate events occurring to their own advantage. When World War I broke out Ze’ev Jabotinski who was a Polish Zionist established a Jewish division in the British army. Many volunteers that were assembled were Russian immigrants. This resulted in Zionists gaining some favorability from the British. This group also invaded Palestine in 1917 under the British. Also, the Balfour Declaration is an indirect result of World War I. Chaim Weizmann was a Jewish immigrant from Russia, and he established a vital explosive ingredient known as Acetone which was desired by the British. Instead of asking for money Weizmann simply desired British support for a home for the Jewish people. The Balfour Declaration would come soon after which was a huge win for Zionists as it declared that the British were willing to help establish a Jewish “home” in Palestine and declared sympathy for Jewish Zionist