Hideki Tojo was given the position of Prime Minister of Japan on October 14th, 1941, which really became the entrance of Japan and America into World War II because of Hideki’s war background that would lead him to make a decision that forever will be in the history books. Hideki was under the impression that a war with America was impossible to be avoided, so he prepared Japan to hit America with a HUGE knock-out punch. This was a very strategic move on Hideki’s part that would eliminate America from the Pacific. His purpose behind this was that the Japanese simply despised the differences that the Americans had from them. Plus Hideki admired Hitler greatly and wanted to be the Hitler of Japan. He wanted the attention and admiration of others …show more content…
A few more years go by then in the mid-1940’s Tojo was named war minister in the second Fumimaro Konoe government, which proceeded to mark the Tripartite Pact by means of Germany in addition to Italy. The whole time all of this is occurring relations with the United States are worsening. Hideki believing what Japan is doing is the right thing and facing the merciless aggression of the Americans, the Chinese, and the Dutch he resolutely declines the negotiations and concessions that Konoe contemplated. Tojo demanded a verdict for war unless the US backed away from their restriction on exports to Japan. When Konoe paused, Hideki reportedly told him,” sometimes it’s best for one to close one’s eyes and take the plunge.” Konoe unenthusiastically turned in his resignation because he didn’t want to jeopardize Japan. An imperial consent was given to Tojo to become leader and form a new cabinet, but Tojo was the now one to have full information of new developments and direct of the military which makes him settle on what he feels is the best decision. Next he was told to wipe the slate clean and