In Hitler’s Germany, Hitler held the ultimate position of power. Originally named chancellor by President von Hindenburg in 1933, Hitler amassed support and power very …show more content…
One one side, the western side, Germany faced attacks from United States, and on their Eastern side, Germany faced attacks from the Soviet Union. This two-faced war was a product of Germany’s own making, as they had previously been allied with the Soviet Union. Despite their non-aggression pact, Hitler had always planned to take the Soviet Union, invading on June 22, 1941. Stalin was appropriately shocked, and resorted to “scorched-earth tactics’, burning villages to the ground, in order to deny Hitler’s troops any supplies. The Germans did not have access to warm clothing or blankets during the Russian winter, and Hitler refused a retreat, losing the German armies 1.3 million men. Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union not only lost his armies 40% of their available troops, but it paved the way for the battle of Stalingrad, the Russians holding off German assault in the battle that most historians agree was the turning point of