be permitted to publish or air anything. Adolf was able to control what the public heard through this, thus making sure that the beliefs of the Nazis were being heard. The media in Germany was completely controlled by this organization. There were many tactics used to control the media, The first thing they did to control the media was insure that the only people that were allowed to make any publications, broadcast, or cinema had to be part of the Reich Chamber of Commerce. The Nazi party was the one that was able to determine if you have the correct credentials to become a member of this. By limiting who was able to produce media Adolf was able to control what the public heard.
Any one that published or produced media that was not part of this group were punished. The films produced during this period in time showed the Natzi’s as a government that care about the people, The films from Germany were filled with propaganda. The films shown other counties treating Germans poorly, thus making the Germans believe that Hitler was one that truly care about his country and people. The films of this time displayed Jewish people as evil, and or bad people. The films of this time period did not all have propaganda in it , Goebbel also controlled the kind of films that were shown during the war. There were a lot of comedies produced and played, to help lift the spirits of the public. The thought/act of book burning has been around throughout history. The start of this display of censorship started with the Natzi’s. If there was books or publications that the Reich Chamber of Commerce did not agree with the beliefs represented, these were burned. The books were removed from public libraries by soldiers. Most of the literature burned opposed Hitler’s beliefs
and ideas. Books that were not written by Germans were also burned. Some of the most famous authors of all times were burned by the Germans, Authors like Ernest Hemingway, Sigmund Freud and Albert Einstein were among the authors whose books were burned, to name a few. Any book by a author that was jewish was burnt, as well as social , philosophical, sexual, sexual content, and any book that went against or degraded Germany was among the list of books to be burnt. This famous start to book burning took place in Berlin and several other cities in Germany. Even though book burning was not expressing Hitler's ideas in publication, the act it self provided a powerful statement. The book burning had over 25,000 books that were burned and over 40,000 people attended this. The book burning was live on a radio broadcast. Radio was another way Hitler and the Natzis contolled what the public was exposed to.