Imagine being blind because of a disease. You go to everyone for help, but they can not do anything about it. You hear about what some doctor has done for people, and you wonder if she can help. You and your other blind friends come with you. The doctor examines your friend’s eyes, and she can not help. She gets to you and is able to help you. You can see again because of this doctor! This doctor is Ida Scudder. She lived in India, later moved to America, and she came back to become a doctoral missionary. For the majority of her life. Ida Scudder’s upbringing affected her childhood, adulthood, and legacy. Ida Scudder’s upbringing has affected her childhood. Ida was born on December 9, 1870, (The Scudder Association Foundation 2024) …show more content…
One night in India, there was a knock on the door. Ida answered it and there was a Hindu man. He said that he needed Ida to come with him and help his wife. Ida could not do that because she was not a doctor and had no experience in the medical field. Ida tried to tell him that her father could help his wife, but he refused. It was a Hindu and Muslim custom to not let any other man besides her family see her. The man walked away, sorrowfully. Later, another man came asking for Ida to help his wife. She told him the same thing, that she was not a doctor and could not help him. Once again, the man walked away with no help. Later that same night, another man asked for help and was turned away because Ida could not help him. After the man had left, Ida talked to her father about it, and he told her to forget about it because there was nothing she could have done to help. Ida could not forget it! She decided that she could change it by becoming a doctor. Even though Ida said she would never become a doctor, God had other plans for her life. She went back to America to study to become a doctor. When Ida returned, she worked side by side with her father. One day they were riding bikes and her father fell off his bike and