Islam, Christianity, and Judaism however all had something in common. All three of these religions were impacted by the Prophet Abraham whom is said to be of the forefathers or the “Abrahamic Traditions” known as the shared stories of Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Noah, and other prophets (Beyond the Headlines). These religions however soon started to differ as each religion began to differ in whom their Prophets were and God’s message. Islam being the last of these religions to come was first exposed to the Prophet Muhammad through Quranic verses giving emphasis to the oneness of God. Prophet Muhammad being the last messenger sent by God was born into the tribe known as the Quraysh. The Quraysh at the time were known as one of the most powerful tribes ever and a tribe who worshipped idols. Thus the reasoning of the revelation sent to the Prophet Muhammad. Throughout the years Prophet Muhammad was sent revelations through the angel Gabriel and as the Prophet began to share these revelations to his friends and families they soon converted. One of many few people to first convert into Islam was Ali Ibn Ali Talib, Abu Bakr, and ‘Uthman ibn Affan. Women such as the Prophet’s wife Khadija was also one of the few many people to convert into Islam. Soon this little group of Muslims (people who follow Islam) grew and started to spread to different
Islam, Christianity, and Judaism however all had something in common. All three of these religions were impacted by the Prophet Abraham whom is said to be of the forefathers or the “Abrahamic Traditions” known as the shared stories of Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Noah, and other prophets (Beyond the Headlines). These religions however soon started to differ as each religion began to differ in whom their Prophets were and God’s message. Islam being the last of these religions to come was first exposed to the Prophet Muhammad through Quranic verses giving emphasis to the oneness of God. Prophet Muhammad being the last messenger sent by God was born into the tribe known as the Quraysh. The Quraysh at the time were known as one of the most powerful tribes ever and a tribe who worshipped idols. Thus the reasoning of the revelation sent to the Prophet Muhammad. Throughout the years Prophet Muhammad was sent revelations through the angel Gabriel and as the Prophet began to share these revelations to his friends and families they soon converted. One of many few people to first convert into Islam was Ali Ibn Ali Talib, Abu Bakr, and ‘Uthman ibn Affan. Women such as the Prophet’s wife Khadija was also one of the few many people to convert into Islam. Soon this little group of Muslims (people who follow Islam) grew and started to spread to different