Why did Japan ultimately decide to start World War II by invading China in 1937 and then worsen the conflict by attacking the British and Americans in 1941? Were these attacks the effects of a Japanese state with an extreme belief of nationalism, or of a particularly coercive social order, or of economic and social inequalities, or had Japan by the late 1930s entered a stage of late capitalist development that naturally evolved into fascism? Was there a direct connection between the West’s forced intrusion into Japan in the 1850s and subsequent Western pressure on Japan and its neighbors and the launching of Japan’s World War II in Asia in 1937? The truth is all of these factors were integral …show more content…
So when the Americans and British returned to Japan they brought new steamships and improved weapons, but also a new attitude. An attitude that had them demand Japan open itself to trade. All of the western nations also worked together to force the “unequal treaties” on Japan. These treaties included treaty ports, restrictions on tariffs and the most-favored nation clause. Which said whatever Japan gave one nation they to give to the others. One group of nationalists cooperated with the West to learn how to make western weapons to ultimately defend themselves from the West. Another nationalist group chose to resist the interference of the West no matter the costs. These nationalists were forerunners of General Araki’s “bamboo spear” theory. The former group advocating cooperation with the West soon rose to power and began rebuilding Japan just like the western nations who invaded them so in the end they could defend themselves from the West. Both group’s reactions were a result of forceful and unwanted interference from the West in their country’s affairs. The main focus of Japan’s leaders in the 1870-1900 was to rid Japan of the unequal treaties. Under the new and nationalistic Meiji regime Japan took many reforms to create a Japanese state. The