
How Did Jefferson Treat His Slaves

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How Did Jefferson Treat His Slaves
Jefferson and His Slaves Thomas Jefferson our President, put in the Constitution that "all men are created equal." Before, while, and after he wrote this, he owned more than 400 slaves. He said he wanted slavery to be abolished, but he has put no action into his words. He believes slavery is the biggest threat to the new America, and that slavery contradicts the laws of nature. Receiving 175 slaves from his inheritance, Jefferson has only freed seven of his slaves. Although he has bought less than 20 slaves in his lifetime so far, he has bought them while he has tried to pass laws to stop the slavery. In 1784 while he passed the ban of slaves in the Northwest Territory, he was still using and purchasing slaves. He has also sold a great deal of slaves. He has sold about 160 slaves in 10 years to his family as gifts and dowries. He has also put young boys to work. Boys from the ages of nine to sixteen have and still are working in his nail factory. Boys this young are being whipped if they do not produce a …show more content…
He was especially nicer to enslaved women. Jefferson believes that any woman, even an African woman, that carries a child is valuable. According to him, "I consider a woman who brings a child every two years as more profitable than the best man of the farm." He is saying if an enslaved woman has one child every two years, she is building to his "capitol" and is therefore better than the best of workers on the farm. The new news as you have seen above is more information about his affair with his slave, Sally Hemings. We believed that when Sally went to France with Jefferson, she did more than just learn how to sew and how to have good needlework. We believe the only reason she came back to Monticello is because Jefferson agreed to free their children once they turned 21. We know of 6 children so far that Sally and Jefferson have had

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