
How Did Jim Crow Laws Affect To Kill A Mockingbird

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How Did Jim Crow Laws Affect To Kill A Mockingbird
During the 1930s, many events happened, Harper Lee wrote To Kill A Mockingbird to go against unfair laws that affected on people. Black people didn’t get to treat as humans, to the laws, they are not played any important roles in society. The author disagreed with these laws, To Kill A Mockingbird is a book for others to actually think about racism, and do something about it. The Jim Crow Laws are laws that separated people from different racial and ethnic descent from white people, limited freedom of emancipated slaves, discrimination colored people, after many citizens protested John F. Kennedy took an act, he sent the civil right bills to Congress, this protected African Americans under federal laws. The Depression in the United States South started in 1929, the stock markets …show more content…
Franklin Delano Roosevelt is a president from 1933-1945, he helped Americans gained faith, he recovered jobs for unemployees, he also fixed the problem with business and agriculture. The Works Progress Administration created by President Roosevelt and members of Congress. In April 1935, this program provided jobs for millions of people from different races, regions, and jobs, the program also helped with building bridges, buildings, park, and airports. The Dust Bowl is one of natural disaster that happened during 1930-1939, it destroyed land and agriculture, many people left their farms and migrated to other states, people had no food to eat, no jobs, The Dust Bowl also brought in a disease called dust pneumonia-causing many deaths. Martin Luther King is a great man, he stood up for African Americans, in 1955 to 1968, he led

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