completing experiments of his own on twins with his mentor, in 1930. When he was given a job at Auschwitz, he had full access to any prisoner in the barracks or any newcomers in the train. Mengele was given permission to kill any or all of his subjects. With the full access Josef had to the prisoners, Mengele took the opportunity and ran with it. He started by looking for twins in the train arrival. When he did find twins, Mengele would treat his soon-to-be subjects with affection as a preliminary plan to get his subject to trust him and begin testing on them. Mengele’s testing began simple, with just examining the subjects’ bodies, but soon evolved into murder, torture, and disease. One of Mengele’s first experiment’s was organ removal. Mengele would open up one of the twins and remove a vital organ without anesthesia. He conducted many surgeries like this, and never used anesthetics. One of the most shocking up his surgeries were the ones where he had sewn twins together in attempt to make them Siamese twins. Besides surgeries, Mengele completed experiments with blood transfusions between twins along with giving a twin a lethal germ, such as typhus, then performing autopsies. Mengele would put the second twin in quarantine and see if any of the diseases given to one twin would be seen in the second. Although Mengele’s main interest was in twins, he conducted experiments on other prisoners.
One of Josef’s other main interests had been the coloration of eyes. He would find multiple subjects, and inject different chemicals into their iris’ in attempt to change their iris color. Although his experiments never resulted in success, Mengele kept on and conducted similar attempts. Other prisoners would be convoyed to specific holding barracks, and tested on. Some of the tests run included an experiment to determine how long the body could go on without food and only drinking sea water and an ice water test where subjects would be submerged in freezing water for 3 hours to determine the best way of rewarming the body. Mengele also tested malaria disease in attempt of creating a cure, effects of removing limbs, and even performed sex
When the war was won by the Allies, Mengele had to quickly finish with his experiments. He knew he would be wanted by U.S and German officials, so in 1959 when a warrant for his capture was released he ran. Ironically, Josef Mengele had previously been captured by the U.S during the beginning of the war, but was released fairly quickly. When Josef became aware of Adolf Eichmann's capture, he felt the need to run further and moved to Paraguay, and soon after, Brazil. He spent the rest of his life at a vacation resort in Sao Paolo until he suffered a heart attack while swimming and drowned. Germans later discovered his grave in 1985 and exhumed his corpse. Mengele had managed to escape his capture for 34 years.
Josef Mengele was the infamous experimenter in Auschwitz responsible for more than 3000 deaths. He was given full access to prisoners and able to maim and kill prisoners as a form of torture and extermination. Mengele experimented mostly on twins, but also conducted multiple experiments to test ways to change eye color along with how far the body is able to go during different tests. Josef Mengele was a man without remorse and whose crimes against humanity will be forever remembered.