
How Did Kennedy Become President

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On November 8th, 1960, John Fitzgerald Kennedy became the President of the United States. Kennedy was running on the Democratic platform and chose Lyndon B. Johnson as his Vice President who allowed for Kennedy to carry most of the South. Not only did Kennedy advocate for a more liberal reform of the United States Government like Franklin D. Roosevelt, he also had a charismatic personality that drew the public into his promises. His liberal reform was known as The New Frontier and targeted helping those regarding poverty, race, and lack of education. While Kennedy was young and lacking experience, he won the popular vote by a slim margin against Richard Nixon who was seen ill while campaigning. Much of the young generation voted for him, and …show more content…

Johnson never became president because John F. Kennedy never got shot? On November 22nd, 1963, there was light rain in Fort Worth, Texas where Kennedy was before getting on a plane to get to Dallas, Texas. Once he landed in Dallas, the rain had subsided and there was a windshield of approximately 15 to 20 miles per hour according to Dr. Michael L. Kurtz, scholar-in-residence in the Department of History and Political Science at Southeastern Louisiana University. Because there was enough wind to blow Kennedy’s hair faulting his appearance, he and the governor traded spots on the convertible. Kennedy’s appearance and young age were what grabbed the votes of the younger generation and he wanted to make sure the wind did not jeopardize his appearance that day. Therefore, Kennedy sat in the middle of the convertible where the governor would have sat. Because of the rearranging of Kennedy’s placement, the shooter, Lee Harvey Oswald, shot at Governor Connally instead of his target, Kennedy. Oswald ended up shooting Connally in the head and neck, while Kennedy suffered a bullet in the chest. Both Connally and Kennedy were rushed to the hospital, but while Connally died, Kennedy suffered injuries and

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