First and foremost king louis xvi is largely at fault and is a leading cause to the outbreak of the french revolution. King louis had been regarded as ‘ one of the most uninterested and uninteresting spectators of his own reign” ( pg 153), Louis was reluctant with enforcing political, social and economic action regarding concerning the community and he showed no sign of concern with any extraneous affairs and matters that did not involve him. The king however did initially have good intentions,however his indecisiveness only influenced the destruction of his “absolute status”, he was unable to read between the lines,he was unaware of the consequences of his direct actions, this is relevant in the Dismissal of Neckler in July 1789 in which Louis was unwilling and unable to notice the ripple effect in which he was creating, Dismissing Neker led to the “ storming of bastille” The king however was not the only one to blame, the persuasion from his “beloved” wife …show more content…
subsequently influenced his decisions and thought process, His Queen was unpopular and shun upon by the community of france. By many she was regarded as “immoral and unprincipled”, she had gambling debts and spent outrageous sums of money, completely disregarding the economical crisis people were facing, many being poverty struck and piled underneath tax debt.
People lost their loyalty and respect for her , her stubbornness and demanding nature was being manipulated and used to persuade and attempt to corrupt Louis xvi to support Austria, the French were not appeased.
The ideas initiated by the enlightenment was a major compelling reasons for french society to rebel against their king as the people were inspired by ideas announced by the philosophers of the Enlightenment like Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Rousseau, as these philosophical thinkers favoured freedom of speech, equality amongst the estates and a favoured limited monarchy.
The enlightenments persuasion over the people derived from two main ideas, the codification and legal protection of natural rights, which disallowed the government or law to implement change,it also provided freedoms in which was could not be ignored or removed by government. Another revolutionary concept was anti clericalism, which seeked the reform of the catholic church and the actions of the clergy, this concept reduced corruption and interference amongst the community. These ideas contributed to their concept of being a more effective system of government.which aimed to a more effective system of
The enlightenment politically influenced the outbreak of the french revolution,it affected france by driving them to to re examine their traditional government, and find the flaws that it upheld, after the tennis court oath and the fall of the Bastille.
The Enlightenment was made up of thinkers, it was the time when thinkers turned to other extraneous sources of reason, they turned to reasoning and science to evaluate human behavioral attitudes and the physical earth. The enlightenment originated from the ideas of John Locke ‘all men are born with natural rights of life, liberty, and property’ he strongly believed that people were capable of learning from their experiences in order to better themselves, he believed that without the uphold of government, and the country being in a state of nature people could be reasonable and cooperativE.
The nobility was a major influence of the outbreak due to their incompetence and the desire for greater political influence for themselves and no other. The financial crisis of france was ultimately due to the nobles, the privileged orders in which the nobility and the clergy were being governed by was far more superior then the third estate, “ the poor people seemed very poor indeed...the children are raged about bread… there is great misery” a quote from Arthur young who had been traveling through france in 1787 to 1789.
The nobility rejected proposals regarding the increment of royal revenues amongst the country, that would indefinitely force them to pay taxes, this was assessed and the ordinary people of france (commoners) were not appeased by these actions and this was the step that led to the destabilisation of society, it also increased the political influence that the third estate would now have, due to their ambition to overthrow the nobles. The nobility deemed themselves more superior and prestige than the other classes, they only intervened in political disputes to benefit themselves. In 1788 the nobility invoked their power to suppress the king's actions and shield his upcoming move, the parliament in which controlled by the nobility were controlled and manipulated enforced their political power to force the king to call a meeting of the estates general.
Change was demanded from lower classes as they were being infuriated by the disadvantage placed on them, the land and produce tax, taille tax and the price of bread had exceeded the the peoples financial ability, these factors led the commoners ‘having enough’ they no longer wanted to be disadvantaged, they seeked and demanded change.