To Lincoln, this was morally wrong; although it was not the first time he encountered slavery." P19. I think the main thing that made Abraham the man he is known as today is one simple decision. This decision is to quit his difficult lifestyle and his family to leave his mark in the world:" He left his difficult childhood behind and desired to make his own mark in the world. He knew, and accepted, that it would be a decision that would have an impact on his family as they had relied so heavily on any money he earned as a child in order to improve their life."P21. "Abraham Lincoln was not one to allow his circumstances to determine his future." P16.One last thing that change his life was the first time he heard an orator. This event made him discover a new side of expressing ideas that he never saw and a change of his future carrer plans. "However, one other important part of his education did take place when he was 16 years old when he was able to listen to an orator in full voice for the first time. It has been argued by numerous scholars that this moment changed the direction of his entire
To Lincoln, this was morally wrong; although it was not the first time he encountered slavery." P19. I think the main thing that made Abraham the man he is known as today is one simple decision. This decision is to quit his difficult lifestyle and his family to leave his mark in the world:" He left his difficult childhood behind and desired to make his own mark in the world. He knew, and accepted, that it would be a decision that would have an impact on his family as they had relied so heavily on any money he earned as a child in order to improve their life."P21. "Abraham Lincoln was not one to allow his circumstances to determine his future." P16.One last thing that change his life was the first time he heard an orator. This event made him discover a new side of expressing ideas that he never saw and a change of his future carrer plans. "However, one other important part of his education did take place when he was 16 years old when he was able to listen to an orator in full voice for the first time. It has been argued by numerous scholars that this moment changed the direction of his entire