Malcolm X was a very influential man when it came to the civil rights movement ,and he showed determination throughout his whole life and was very determined to bring about change to the world. Malcolm X father (Earl Little) and Marcus Garvey were part of an organization for the black militant universal negro improvement association. Garvey and his supporters wanted African Americans to return to Africa to escape the oppression against blacks in the US. White vigilantes terrorized the Little family because of Earl’s participation in protests; even going so far as to burning down the Littles’ home. When Malcolm X was just 6 years old, his father went out one sunny evening to collect a debt , only be to be hit by a streetcar and …show more content…
He hung out in bars and nightclubs, and worked as a shoeshine boy in a dance palace conked, Malcolm straightened his hair and dressed in zoot suits. The slick men whose sharp clothes and money ready marked them as hustlers became heroes. He had a job on a train as a cook which took him back and forth to between Boston and New York City seduced in completely. Malcolm moved to Harlem found a room and worked as a bartender, soon he developed the street name Detroit Red. Eventually, he lost his job which caused him to run numbers for the lottery which meant he took the numbers people wanted to bet on and paid them when they won. Mallcom also worked as a drug dealer and a pimp, One day, he had a dispute with another hustler (know as West Indian) fearing for his safety malcom left town and moved back to Boston. His number one goal was to find a criminal profession that would would provide high profits, low risk and independence, so he picked robbery. Malcolm gathered together a crew and the gang stole jewelry, silverware, fur coats, and oriental rugs. Afterwhile the crew got caught, the sentence for malcolm was somewhat harsh ,he believed the server sentence was due to the fact that the judge was upset because he was dating a white woman. In prison, Malcolm resumed his education completed a correspondence course in English the one in Latin. As his writing improved, he wrote more often to