Mao Zedong was born on December 26, 1893 in Shaoshan village …show more content…
Chiang eventually turned on the CPC who now were outnumbered by tens of thousands of soldiers. The CPC continued supporting the Wuhan KMT government but eventually stopped when the Wuhan government expelled all Communists from the KMT on July 15. The CPC then founded the Worker's and Peasant's Red Army of China to battle Chiang. Mao was appointed commander in chief of the Red Army and composed his first poem, "Changsha", shortly after during the eve of his attack on the KMT held city. Mao did not manage to take the city and was expelled from the ranks of the CPC central committee who believed that he focused too much on rural activities and was being too lenient. Mao ignored this and instead built an army of his own focusing mainly on peasants. He even manage to convince 2 groups of bandits to fight for him. He laid down rules and turned his men (even the bandits) into a disciplined, efficient fighting force. Over the next few years Mao faced many hardships including being outnumbered multiple times by the Kuomingtang. This is was what made him start using guerilla tactics and he later wrote a book on this type of warfare. There was a point were the CPC and KMT stopped fighting and united to drive Japan out of China. As soon as Japan retreated, they went right back to another civil war and this time the CPC