
How Did Martin Luther King Jr Impacted The World

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How Did Martin Luther King Jr Impacted The World
Martin Luther King Jr. changed/impacted the world in many different ways, he showed people how blacks were being treated. He stopped segregation by his words and not fighting he was able to get the “whites only” signs taken down in the city(How Martin Luther King Jr. Changed the world for better.” Truth Tellers, 7 May 2014, He wanted people to change the way that they viewed African Americans, he wanted blacks to feel as if they had the same rights that whites did. African Americans were treated as if their life did not matter almost as if they were not the same as whites. Martin Luther King wanted to change all of that by showing people that your race does not define who you are, that the …show more content…
There were times that it was hard for him to get his point across during hisspeeches, the whites would have posters with all kinds of racial hate comments regardless of any of those things he still managed to keep pushing for equality without fighting, the push for equality lead to the civil rights movement to 1968.Martin Luther King Jr. had a big impact in the civil rights movement, he was a social activist and a Baptist minister during the civil rights movement. During the civil rights movement the Montgomery bus boycott took place, Martin luther king jr was chosen as the protest leader and official spokesman.While that was going on that january martin luther king jr house was firebombed by white supremacists. He was responsible for passing the civil rights movement and the voting rights act for african americans, these acts changed the way that african americans got treated by whites and everyone else. All of the things tha were going in during this time showed people Martin luther king vision through it …show more content…
By him having that vision he was able to change the world in many different ways, he was able to make whites understand that just because you are the color you are that does not mean you should think that you are better than anyone else. Martin luther king used his words instead of fighting, he wanted to be heard by his words and not by violence. “I Have a Dream: Celebrating the Vision of Martin Luther King, Jr. | EDSITEment.” EDSITEment! The Best of the Humanities on the Web, The way that he viewed the world was to show people that african americans were just as equal as whites. Before martin luther king died he made sure that his point was being understood that little boys and girls that are colored should be able to hold hands with white kids and be able to play with them. They should be able to go to school together and drink out of the same water fountain without being punished or called racial comments. He wanted the world to be a equal place were blacks could be with whites, get married and have kids.Martin luther king jr spent his whole life trying to get the rights that African americans should have until he died in 1968. He is most known for his “ i have a dream speech” that speech brought the attention that african americans were not being treated like they

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