During the fire, Nero was participating in a contest ironically it was not for playing the fiddle. Nero was falsely accused for playing the fiddle which was not even created during that time. Something closer to the fiddle was the lyre, in which Nero did not play at the contest. The contest took place in Antium where he was singing and not playing the fiddle he was being accused for playing whilst Rome burned. …show more content…
The myths were passed down for generations and even to this day many people believe that he started the Great Fire of Rome. Based on historical facts, during this time period, there was not any fiddles. Also myths were spread about on how he tried to deny he started the fire and blame it on Christians, which he actually blamed it on the Egyptian cult, Isis. People started these rumors on Nero because of all the murders he ordered on people. Although Nero did order someone to murder his mother, wife, and step-brother, the fire in Rome could not be started by him. It is reasonable to believe Nero started the fire because he went through with numerous murders, but he could not have started a fire if he was not present during it. Also it is believed Nero paid people to start the fire, but if he did then why would he make efforts to shelter those who survived the