
How Did Nikita Khrushchev Rise To Power

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How Did Nikita Khrushchev Rise To Power
This policy was mirrored by the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev. In the early years of his regime, Khrushchev slowly amassed power from the collective leadership that was in place after Stalin’s death. In 1956, he shocked the entire world with a leaked speech where he criticized Stalin’s cult of personality and the various crimes that were committed under his leadership. This report caused domestic upheaval within the USSR and lead Stalin’s supporters to quickly lose favor and influence within the new government. Meanwhile, in the two years leading up to 1960, Khrushchev has eased trade restrictions, increasing focus on commercial and consumer goods instead of raw resource production. His solidification of power has also made the Soviet Union more active on the international stage. …show more content…
While the Batista government was supportive of the United States during the war, he nonetheless was a military strongman who ruled Cuba as a right-wing dictator. During the later years of the war, he raised war taxes on the citizenry of Cuba to help pay for America’s war effort. The proved extremely unpopular among Cubans and he chose to retire from the presidency, leaving for Daytona Beach, Florida in 1945. From the United States, Batista ran a campaign and gained a seat in the Cuban Senate in 1948. He tried to run for president again in 1952, where he was positioned to come in last in the polls. To avoid humiliation, Batista launched a military coup, taking control of the government by force. The Truman administration recognized the legitimacy of his military takeover on March 27th, 1952. Once in power, Batista abolished the constitution of the island and established a one-party state. Batista did little to improve the lives of poor Cubans, instead turning Cuba into a recreational destination for wealthy Americans. Consequently, resentment brewed against his

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