President Nixon also pushed towards the right of minorities by supporting affirmative action which granted people who were once discriminated against rights that they were once denied such as the right to work with anyone and anywhere. One of Nixon’s proudest moment was when he visited China in order to talk about their current tensions and try to create peace with China as there was a separation between the two. Ultimately Nixon succeeded and China which had once viewed the US as a threat now saw the US as an ally. President Nixon also eased the tension between the Soviet Union and the United States by forming a detente with them as it cooled down any problems that had been on going in the Cold War. One of the most important agreements between the US and the Soviets was the SALT I (Strategic Arms Talks Limitations) which restricted the use of ballistic missiles with nuclear power in order to release tension between the two. Another war time accomplishment was when President Nixon began the process of Vietnamization during the Vietnam War which began to withdraw US troops from Vietnam slowly but …show more content…
Therefore, presidency was granted to Gerald Ford and he began his presidency by pardoning Nixon for the Watergate Scandal. Gerald Ford continued fighting segregation and discrimination just as Richard Nixon did by pushing for affirmative action. President Gerald Ford tried to battle stagflation with an initiative named WIN which stood for Whip Inflation Now. This initiative was meant to reduce waste by “heating less and driving less.” This was meant to help due to stagflation being caused by the oil shortage in the United States but ultimately the WIN initiative failed as the people believed it was ineffective. The Helsinki Accords were agreements by the rival organizations which consisted of NATO and the Warsaw Pact members. The agreements were meant to try to remove the imaginary iron curtain which separated communist countries and democratic countries. Gerald Ford lost the next presidential election when he ran for office because of his inability to defeat inflation. President Jimmy Carter was elected into office the following presidential