Peter the Great-built up czar contol; son of alexis;6 feet 8 inches; went to the west incognito to seek western allies for crusade against Turkish power in Europe; autocrat; attacked the ottoman empire but won no great victories; warred with Sweden and gained territory; Western organizational principles; well-defined military hierarchy; new training institutes for aspiring bureaucrats and officers; eliminated the old noble councils; made all nobility cut off their beards. Westernization was meant to encourage autocratic state.…
AP Euro History 14 November, 2012 Analyzing Quote During the late 1600s to the early 1700s, Peter the Great ruled Russia with his ideas on westernizing Russia...…
This man is known as Peter the Great and was considered to be a absolute monarch. Peter and his brother Ivan were both rulers until his brother died, making Peter sole ruler of Russia. One of his greatest accomplishments were founding the city of St. Petersburg. Russia also became one of the most powerful Europe countries while Peters ruling. Peter had faced many different challenges as he ruled but one of the biggest ones was the power of the nobles. He ultimately influenced Russia by laying a strong foundation for Russia by many cultural, education, and architectural achievements.…
Both Russian rulers largely reformed their country by introducing ideas and customs from Western Europe. Peter the Great was especially known for his trip to Western Europe and bringing back knowledge of finance, politics, military, etc. Through his reform of the military system and the nobility and construction of many factories, Peter brought Russia up to the surface from its longtime submersion under the ice. Catherine the Great was known for her adoption of Enlightenment ideas, even if she wasn’t able to get far in applying those ideas in Russia.…
Peter I was tsar of Russia from 1682 until 1725. He introduced significant changes in…
Finally, Peter also made Russia more culturally respectable in Western eyes. He slightly promoted the status of women in society and encouraged women to wear Western-style clothing to social functions. These small reforms, however, were mainly aimed at upper-class women and he made no move to change gender relations.…
Peter the Great also made significantly changes to the military. For example, he gave authority to all social classes to participate in the military. {According to Doc. 2}. This was the first time that serfs joined the military and became soldiers. Since the serfs have joined the armed forces, the military has a more dynamic of rich and poor on the military now. Peter has greatly changed the society in how he westernized Russia, and impacted Russia in a big way.…
When Peter the Great came to power in the 1700s, the era of darkness that had shadowed Russia since Ivan the Terrible left it in shambles lifted. Under Peter, a new Russia emerged, propulsed by his modern policies and western ideologies. Although Peter the Great was famous for his excessive cruelty, ultimately the drastically reformed society and its institutions to strengthen Russia’s position in Europe. He established Russia as a military force, westernized the sciences, arts, and culture, and introduced unconventional methods to restructure distribution of political power in Russia. Peter’s childhood war games gave rise to his passion for war and its many tactics and strategies.…
The church was wealthy, owned lots of land, and refused to modernize, Peter of course was not to stand for this disgust. In the the end he separated the church from the government, made it much weaker and forever changed its roll in its people and government. Finally education was one of peters biggest achievement he created schools of maths, navigation, medicine, engineering, and science and he kept creating till the day he died. Russia was beginning to modernize, more foreigners lived in Russian cities and mixed with Russia people, their western ideas and cultures were mixing with the Russian culture and creating a new modern life. Peter had started the chain of the modernization in Russia and the cruelty…
a.i. Before Peter the Great, no Russian had the courage to even try to convert Russia into an westernized, European nation. When Peter the Great acquired power, he improved the Russian army, remodeled the social and economic structure of Russia and conquered territory towards Sweden to gain access to the Baltic Sea.…
Peter the Great was the absolute monarch of Russia from 1682 to 1725. His goal was to turn Russia into a better country by “modernizing” it or becoming more westernized (European ).In General Alexander Gordon’s History of Peter The Great , he states ‘He was at little or no expense about his person and by living like a private gentleman than a prince he saved wholly that great expense which other their courts”. This statement shows the character of Alexander and how he saved money because he knew there were more important things than living super fancy .According to Doc. 6 Alexander the Great “... had a great regard for learning and was at much pains to introduce it into the country .” This is an example of how he brought prosperity to Europe by trying his hardest to introduce learning to his country and make a more educated modern place . Another way Peter brought prosperity as an absolute monarch is talked about in document 8 , by Michael Gibson (Excerpt from Peter the Great). Its says “..Russia was in an insignificant state . he made it into a great power feared by all . At his accession Russia had no armed forces ...when he died,there was professional army of 210,000 men . He created a navy out of nothing…
When Peter assumed the throne in 1689, he acknowledged that Russia was backward in compare to more successful Western European countries like Holland, Germany, and France (Israel 2006). He concluded that in order to improve the Russian Empire, he had to bring western influences. For the rest of his reign he made it imperative to learn about and apply to his holding the aspects he considered made those countries thrive like the language, military techniques, shipbuilding, and dressing code. Peter used to go in disguise to countries England, France and Holland to learn about shipbuilding and sent state servants (Israel, 298). One example was Dimitri Mikailovich Golitsyn (1663-1737) who in 1697 was sent to Venice to study naval techniques (Israel, 301).…
He implemented social reforms in fashion for Russians to westernize them, he himself set the example in all changes implemented. Peter ordered that gentlemen, merchants and other subjects except priests and peasants to pay a tax annually if they wished to keep their beards. Also issued and ordinance abolishing oriental…
This greatly inhibited Russia's economy. The Russian people had and abundance of furs, such as beaver and bear, that Western Europeans wanted, but with a port such as Archangel they were severely restricted. When the port of St. Petersburg was built, the Russian people advanced socially. The nobles were required to dress, act, and speak French. Peter the Great built a palace for himself, trying to copy the Palace at Versailles. The people of Russia also learned many things from Westerners coming to Russia. Their social advances were…
He also wanted to improve standards of living of people in Russia to bridge the gap between them and the West. A strengthened economy would fulfil and maintain the promise to international proletariat to develop the country and become the first socialist state by industrialising.…