7,000 page document xviii. Leaked by former Defense department worker Daniel Ellsberg xix. Revealing that the US government was not honest about its intentions in the Vietnam war
Main ideas 2. President Johnson pushed congress to support to build up our troops in South Vietnam; to protect our allies from Communist incursion. 3. Eisenhower explained the domino theory by saying all the countries on the edge of communism and if one country fell to communism then the rest will be knock into communism like a line of dominos. j. "You have a row of dominoes set up. You knock over the first one, and what will happen to the last one is the certainty that it will go over very quickly." 4. So much people supported the US in Vietnam because of communism. The US wanted to prevent the communist takeover in Asia and South Vietnam was in trouble of being taken over 5. The sinking morale of the troops was because of the elusiveness of the Vietnamese. Every single Vietnamese could be an enemy making booby traps even women and children so this angered the soldiers because of the fighting conditions. 6. A big problem was that African Americans were dying for their country but were still treated like