AP US Government Name:Ryan Bertoldo
Chapter 9 Questions: Political Parties
1. Define the following terms: a. political party: an organization to gain political power b. mugwumps or progressives: Republican party faction of the 1890s to the 1910s, composed of reformers who opposed patronage c. critical or realignment period: periods when a major, lasting shift occurs in the popular coalition supporting one or both parties d. split ticket: a ballot cast by a voter who votes for candidates from more than one party e. straight ticket: a ballot cast by a voter who votes for all the candidates of one party f. office-bloc ballot: Ballot on which all candidates are listed under the office for which they are running making split-ticket voting easier g. party-column ballot: a ballot listing all candidates of a given party together under the name of that party; also …show more content…
Explain the distinctive feature of the second party system. Its distinctive feature was that political participation became a mass phenomenon.
7. Why was the party convention invented? Party conventions were invented in order to replace the caucus.
8. What impact did the Civil War and Sectionalism have on America's party system? This era caused a third party to uprise and split major parties due to the controversial topics.
9. How did progressive reforms make political parties weaker? Progressives imposed regulations to reform and gradually destroy political parties.
10. What are the five critical or realignment elections identified by your textbook? ers.4 There seem to have been five realignments so far, during or just after these elections: 1800 (when the Jeffersonian Republicans defeated the Federalists) 1828 (when the Jacksonian Democrats came to power), 1860 (when the Whig party collapsed and the Republicans under Lincoln came to power), 1896 (when the Republicans defeated William Jennings Bryan), and 1932 (when the Democrats under Roosevelt came into