HIST 1020-51 World History: 1300 to Present.
Professor Paul Jentz
Spring 2024
Religions Affect During the Renaissance
The Renaissance is generally considered to go from the 14th century to the 17th century. Within that period the growth and rebirth of the arts, literature, science, cultural, and the architectural style of ancient Greek and Romans. Along with those during these same times, political and social change occurred. Religion played a part in almost every part of life during that time. At the beginning of the Renaissance, the Catholic church held a large amount of power across Europe. With many different monarchs and countries loyal to the Catholic faith. By the end of the Renaissance, a large number of people left …show more content…
To the east of Europe was Eastern Christianity, the biggest of which was the Eastern Orthodoxy, which moved to Russia after the fall of the Byzantine Empire to the Ottoman Empire in 1453. To the West was Western Christianity which consisted of Catholicism and Protestantism, but that was not always the case as Protestantism was not much of an idea until Martin Luther a monk and priest in 1517 wrote his archbishop a letter. In which was the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, which would go on the rivalry of Catholicism and cause wars in both countries and across the whole of …show more content…
At which time France’s biggest competitor for the dominance of the Catholic Church was the Habsburg Empire (Spain and the Holy Roman Empire). Both powers were trying to gain more favor with the church as that came with more power for the monarchs. Due to the rivalry between the two powers, the Catholic Church was not able to deal with the challenge that the Protestant Reform presented to them. Eventually, the church changed some of its practices and policies that were not in favor of the people, but overall, much did not change within the Catholic Church and its relationship with monarchs. These changes would be called the Catholic Reformation, and this would be the start of many more Catholics and Protestants going back and