Some slaves, therefore, brought Christian beliefs with them when they were pushed into slavery. During the seventeenth century blacks in Spanish Florida baptized their children and were married by the church in order to be freed. Partially, the participation of baptisms in the ruling European religion, reflected and helped to bring about, an age old society where Africans were more greatly integrated and appreciated greater rights than did later generations of slaves. However, African slaves also saw the transformation to Christianity as a path to freedom. In the early years of arrival and settlement in the New World, for instance, refugee slaves from South Carolina, ran for Florida, where the Spanish promised them freedom as a reward for their conversion to the highly regarded religion, Christianity. Slaveholders in some of the American colonies became incredibly fearful that the Christianization of slaves would lead to demands for
Some slaves, therefore, brought Christian beliefs with them when they were pushed into slavery. During the seventeenth century blacks in Spanish Florida baptized their children and were married by the church in order to be freed. Partially, the participation of baptisms in the ruling European religion, reflected and helped to bring about, an age old society where Africans were more greatly integrated and appreciated greater rights than did later generations of slaves. However, African slaves also saw the transformation to Christianity as a path to freedom. In the early years of arrival and settlement in the New World, for instance, refugee slaves from South Carolina, ran for Florida, where the Spanish promised them freedom as a reward for their conversion to the highly regarded religion, Christianity. Slaveholders in some of the American colonies became incredibly fearful that the Christianization of slaves would lead to demands for