It showed off their accomplishments and taunted the middle and lower class since they would rarely have the opportunity to be trained in music. Next, the Baroque period is also a time that considered music to be an essential part of education but it still was most commonly available to the wealthier classes. The Baroque period was a time where the aristocracy was enormously rich and powerful while the rest of the population barely managed to survive (Music An Appreciation Brief). While music was beginning to trickle into the lower and middle classes, it was still more common and essential to the education of the wealthy. It was also more common for these upper classes to have music and musicians in their household whether they were making music for them or performing at a ball or banquet. After discussing these time periods I do believe an understanding of fine arts is an important part of today’s education as it is still a required credit for most students to graduate high school but in saying that I definitely believe the values and ideals with music have changed a lot. Music is not as treasured and valuable as I believe it once was. It used to be a privilege and an honor to be able to be trained in music since it was a rare opportunity for most people in certain …show more content…
Music is still a true artistic craft but in today’s society, I believe people forget that since it is such a common occurrence and if anyone is willing to learn music, they can. Recognizing that the knowledge and ability to speak about certain types of music was exclusive to the wealthier class definitely made a difference to me. It made me feel as if music from this time lacked diversity and other points of view since it was all exclusive to the wealthy. It also made a difference to me in the sense that I felt it was all unfair that the wealthier classes got to enjoy music and fine arts exclusively. Everyone can benefit from music and having knowledge of music so the exclusive nature music had to the wealthy was unfair in every way. I care completely about this because again it is unfair and discriminatory to keep something exclusive to a class when it truly could help and benefit so many others. Who knows? We could have missed great musicians and composers due to this separation of music from the lower classes. I think any idea that has exclusiveness to it and separates others is wrong and knowing about these values and ideas changes me a lot and gives me a different outlook of that time period and music from that