
How Did Romans Influence Of The Calat Alhambra In Spain

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Who were the Romans? What were their accomplishments? Why are they so renowned? The Romans were a civilization that resided in Western Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia. A trip to Spain can show the long history and rich heritage of the Romans because of the “City of Three Cultures”, The Calat Alhambra, and that the Romans influence in Spain with infrastructures. First, Spain keeps the heritage of Romans through Toledo, Spain. Toledo is also known as “The City of Three Cultures” and preserves the heritage of the Romans by keeping the artworks and structures of the cultures. In the story “Discover Toledo, Spain” it states “…that showcase the longstanding co-existence and influences of the Christian, Jewish, and Muslims”. This shows that the Roman Empire had differing religions that contributed to the artwork and structures along with the premade Roman buildings thus creating cultural diffusion. The Romans, who were mainly Christians, respected other religions with no discrimination. …show more content…

The history for the Alhambra dates back more than one-thousand years when it started as a small fortress and palace. According to the article “Why Take the Time to Visit the Alhambra in Spain?” it states “…shows how great buildings can be built and rebuilt through the years… and people who have lived and rules the lands of Spain through history.” This means that the Alhambra is a significant building in Roman history that shows its progress throughout its lifetime being repaired into different structures for different uses as palaces, fortresses, or barracks. The Calat Alhambra is Spain’s major attraction that shows the long history of the

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