O true apothecary, Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die” (Shakespeare 5,3,119). In these short quotes, we see Romeo’s distaste for violence and his love for Juliet. Romeo’s distaste for violence is evident as he warns Paris and tells him off while also telling him how he has nothing to lose while Paris has more to lose. Romeo’s compassion is shown here as he sacrifices himself for love in the afterlife, wishing to join Juliet in her perceived death. Ultimately, a character’s ideals and traits are their defining aspects and thus, they develop when a character is forced into a tough situation. Romeo turns his back on his ideals after Mercutio’s death and after Juliet’s death, he sacrifices himself to be united with Juliet in the afterlife. All in all, growth comes from the trials and tribulations characters are faced with, and under this stress, ideals, traits, thoughts, and actions are forced to improvise. Romeo’s maturation was a road destitute, filled with hostility, but at the end of the road was love. Romeo’s love was not prevented by his background as a Montague, but rather bolstered by his beliefs and ideals. In life, hardships are present too, but what matters is not how you start, but rather how you
O true apothecary, Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die” (Shakespeare 5,3,119). In these short quotes, we see Romeo’s distaste for violence and his love for Juliet. Romeo’s distaste for violence is evident as he warns Paris and tells him off while also telling him how he has nothing to lose while Paris has more to lose. Romeo’s compassion is shown here as he sacrifices himself for love in the afterlife, wishing to join Juliet in her perceived death. Ultimately, a character’s ideals and traits are their defining aspects and thus, they develop when a character is forced into a tough situation. Romeo turns his back on his ideals after Mercutio’s death and after Juliet’s death, he sacrifices himself to be united with Juliet in the afterlife. All in all, growth comes from the trials and tribulations characters are faced with, and under this stress, ideals, traits, thoughts, and actions are forced to improvise. Romeo’s maturation was a road destitute, filled with hostility, but at the end of the road was love. Romeo’s love was not prevented by his background as a Montague, but rather bolstered by his beliefs and ideals. In life, hardships are present too, but what matters is not how you start, but rather how you