(1 Samuel 16:1) “The Lord sent Samuel to Bethlehem, to the house of Jesse (vv. 1-13). God had chosen one of Jesse’s eight sons as Israel’s next king” (Arnold & Beyer, 2008, p. 201). David was just a boy, and but, “…his heart followed the Lord” (Arnold & Beyer, 2008, p. 201). The lesson of God using those who have turned towards Him, opening up themselves to walk with the Lord is huge in this telling. David did what God told him to do, unlike Saul. He also did what he wanted, especially with women, but when God told him to do/not do something, he followed God’s dictate to the letter. He asked for God’s guidance before moving forward on many accounts, and when he made a mistake, he “…sincerely repented of the evil he had done” (Clowney, 2013, p. 158). David did not ascend the throne for many years, and in fact he became a musician, armor-bearer, and eventually gained much prestige in Saul’s court, which led to trouble, however, David was the only one who could relieve Saul’s anguish from the evil spirits that beset …show more content…
(1 Samuel 16:21-23) One of the most famous of David’s feats, is the story of his fight with Goliath. (1 Samuel 17:1-58) Which is a profound example of David’s faith in God, and his trust and knowledge of God’s faithfulness to him. (1 Samuel 17:34-37) “After the victory over Goliath, David became one of Saul’s leading military men” (Arnold & Beyer, 2008, p. 203). After Saul was killed, David was recognized as king by the Judeans, it took seven years for all of Israel to inaugurate him. (Clowney, 2013, p.