Economic disaster; this could be the adequate phrase to describe the way 9/11 affected the U.S economy. The terrorist attacks on September 11 were a series of two unexpected attacks to the World Trade Center of New York. At two different times, two different airplanes crashed into both of the twin tower buildings. These two attacks created a variety of impacts, which include heavy economic ones. This research paper will demonstrate that September 11 to a great extent, affected the economy in terms of families, industries, and New York along with the U.S Government.…
These three events are major events that changed the United States of America. On 9/11 almost 3,000 people died. Some people are scared of planes now because of 9/11. On Apollo 11 was the first time someone touched the moon. There was a weird landing when they got back. The Vietnam war was a 20 year war between North Vietnam supported by the Soviet Union, China, and other communist allies, and Southern Vietnam with the United States. USA as a lot of war, cool stuff like Apollo 11 also they have terrible stuff that happens like 9/11 and wars like the Vietnam war. There no three events in history that changed the United States of America like these three 9/11, Apollo 11/ the moon landing and the Vietnam. You should always remember that to respect those events.…
The 9/11 incident is an event involving four plane crashes in a single day and the targets were the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon. It was a very tragic event and it affected the thoughts of people, especially who were close relatives and acquaintances that were killed in the incident. It immediately changed the history of the United States. Since the first plane crash on the World Trade Center (WTC), it was already known that America was under attack. This was believed to be the doing of Al-Qaeda, an Islamist terrorist whose leader is Osama Bin Laden.…
A quote by Dr. Seuss. “You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own,and you know what you know.”What was it like before 9/11 that’s different from now and the future? When will America become a home, or how will America become superior? Who will change America? Why should America change?…
From the minute the first airplane hit the World Trade Center on that fateful morning September 11th, 2001 the entire nation was moved. Then when two more planes came crashing into the other tower and the Pentagon, the nation was crushed. It was the most fatal terrorist attack ever committed against the United Stated killing nearly 3,000 people. Thousands of children were left with one parent or even became orphans. September 11th quickly became our biggest national tragedy since the JFK assassination. After the attacks, many changes could be seen in the country beginning with the government. Immediately after the attacks security shot up, which quickly sacrificed some citizen freedom. For example, the USA Patriot Act was passed in 2001 to give law enforcement agencies surveillance powers over U.S citizens. This led to creation of the Information Awareness Office whose goal was to develop technology that could collect and process massive amounts of…
The 9/11 attacks have most certainly changed America in a fundamental way. More specifically the way America sees and addresses its security. Before 9/11 I think most of America seen itself as a place safe from those that don’t share our beliefs. That we could and would be able to guard against any treat that would come along. 9/11 showed us how wrong we were. The changes are in no way are temporary, but have become a permanent fixture on how we handle foreign and domestic threats. Airport Security was increased to an extent that many people avoid airlines now because of the hassle of dealing with security. The Department of Homeland Security was created to stop and avoid future attacks. The question now is has this made us safer? I don’t…
The September 11th attacks on the World Trade center not only affected New York but also affected the entire country in a way that no other event has. The attacks shook the way of life of many people including those in the classrooms around Nebraska. After the attacks George W. Bush said, “Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts.” It was just that the way of life of citizens was threatened across the nation. The 9/11 attacks affected the country in a number of ways professional baseball did not play their games as well as college and professional football did not play that weekend in the wake of the attacks and even some parents showed up to schools to get their kids out of the classroom for that day and the next. September 11th 2001 was the deadliest attack on United States soil and was an event that will forever be remembered in history.…
What prompted the terrorist attacks of 9/11? Has the united states response to these attacks made our country safer? On September 11, 2001 a group of terrorist called Al-Qaeda hijacked 4 airliners and made a devastating attack against the United States. One plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Two of the planes were flown into the towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, and the other plane hit the Pentagon just outside Washington, D.C. Close to 3,000 people died in the World Trade Center about 10,000 others were treated for severe injuries. I believe that America was affected by 9/11.…
“There are no words” These were the words that were spoken on live TV in front of the entire nation on September 11, 2001. The exact moment those words were said is marked the second that America changed forever. Prior to 9/11 Americans thought they were untouchable. That there was no way the things they watched on Fox New and CNN every night could ever happen in their backyard. But when the North Tower collapsed at 10:28 am after the South Tower, Pentagon, and Flight 93 crashed America realized that they weren't as safe as we thought. Americans went to bed on September 10th watching the violence in other countries erupt only to wake up the next morning to see that same violence and terror right out their bedroom window.…
The United States people discovered how much pride they held as a nation. In America Under Attack it is explained that some Americans became so motivated by the service the volunteers that they decided to enlist in the military service, hoping to help protect the United States. This is an example of how much people’s lives were affected from the attacks, that people were inspired to serve their country and to help keep an event like this from happening again. It is stated that "Some flew the American flag from their front porches and car antennas. Others pinned it to their lapels or wore it on t-shirts. Sports teams postponed games. Celebrities organized benefit concerts and performances" (Reaction para. 1). All citizens of the country wanted to express patriotism in some way, demonstrating the strength of America. In it says that "Nearly 36,000 units of blood were donated to the New York Blood Center after the September 11 attacks" (Reaction para. 3). Although many victims of the attacks were in critical condition, they had support nationwide. The citizens of America came together to demonstrate their pride as a.…
On Tuesday, September 11th, 2001 around 8:30am, America was changed forever. The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center towers were one of the most influential events in recent history here in America. The event of 9/11 changed the way the world thinks and operates many aspects of security especially when it relates to aviation. After the events on 9/11 airport security increased, views on terrorism changed, and the families of the victims were changed forever.…
The September 11th incident that took place in New York City changed the entire justice system in the United States. September 11th lead to changes in the United States Patriot Act, changes in criminal procedures in regard to terrorism, the confinement of citizens, and procedural rights at military tribunals. Many sections of the justice system was either altered or modified in some way shape or form. Most of the changes was done to protect the United States citizens, world peace, and the economy. September 11th affected not only the United States, but also the whole world mainly because of its dominance and role in economic system mainly because Wall Street was caught in…
It’s no shock that the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001 caused a great deal of negative impact on the United States and the whole world as this attack led to over three thousand deaths of American citizens and installed fear into the rest of America and other countries as they did not want this horrifying event to strike them. These terrorists ultimate goal was to dent and cripple the United States economy by taking down its National Trade Center in order for them to lose money in stock markets, lose trading opportunities with countries like Canada, and cause Americans to spend billions of dollars towards the damage repair. This event definitely caused a lot of humiliation towards the US government as how they let hijackers pass security and take control of the airplane so they could be flown into buildings as a suicide attack. Their image was ultimately trashed. Following the attack, stock exchanges did not open on that fateful day and remained closed for 6 days. It was estimated that 1.4 trillion dollars were lost in those 6 days (Tilford). Stock markets were also having their worst week on September twenty-fourth since “The Great Depression” in 1933. This is important to know as it shows actually how bad an effect nine-eleven had on the US economy. Stock investors also lost a great deal of confidence with the US. When stocks re-opened, they experienced a 7.1% drop, which changed to 14.3% by the end of the following week (Tilford). Not only Americas economy was affected financially, but other countries too as they lost great trading opportunities with their main partners, the US. The United States exported goods to other countries, which that nation sold to make money. Since the exports were shut down, other countries had no or little goods to sell to their citizens. This definitely slowed down that countries income and possibly led to a depression. Ultimately, the countries economy would start to drop sharply. Also, within Canada and the US,…
I don’t think any American can forget where they were when 9/11 happened. I was going into my history class when I learned about it. My teacher had the T.V. on even though the administration asked the teachers to turn the TV’s off. We watched it and discussed what was going on for the entire hour and a half that we were in the class. My teacher was very emotional and crying and so were some of the students. Some of the students were in shock and others were oblivious to what this meant for our country. I was emotional myself. This was such a tragic event and I didn’t think it would be an event that would affect my life the way that it did. I think I was too young at the time to truly understand the seriousness that would come out of the attacks of 9/11. This tragic event changed America in so many ways.…
September 11, 2001 is a date that all Americans will never forget. However, 9/11 did not just affect American lives but this event has touched the lives of most people across the globe. Before 9/11 many were able to board their flights thirty minutes before takeoff, yet today this is the opposite of what one is supposed to do. American culture continues to home small changes over the course of a year, however and event like 9/11 forces infinite changes. This significant date in American history continues to have positive and negative affects to American culture and American citizens. 9/11 has sparked positive and negative changes in American culture through news and media coverage, security measures and racial profiling.…