Are you willing to work for many years to get freedom? Slavery has a big impact in the early colonies in America. Slavery were introduced to the Northern America in the early 1600s. Due to Agriculture such as crops and tobacco, they were granted for freedom after their contract was expired. Slavery has dramatically evolved over time throughout the years. They were divided into different colonies and adapt to the expectation. They also involved in the cooperation of religious and cultures beliefs.
What's slavery, slavery is where the persons have an absolute power over another and controls their life. Slavery didn't begin with African American, the first slave was the Native American around 1600s. The Native American were captured …show more content…
They were working of the plantations which contain mostly hand labor, and their master provide them with clothing throughout the seasons. It's depend on where they were located, it's base on the labor forces toward them. African American culture impact the communities by growing of populations. They're more than 45 ethnicities, but they mostly came from west Africa, bringing culture beliefs and their custom to the new world. Their first events were circling around each other and place dancing in a tribal group. They were granted to become Christians, but they practiced their religious beliefs mostly from Islam to Vondu. They were allowed to raised families around the colonies, and by 1750s about 80 percent were a country born. Music and dance were important role, because it brought out the rhythm in music and movements of their dancing styles. The instrument was the banjo, and the master introduce them to violin and guitar. The most important things were the invention of their own language. It's the mixed dialect between Guinea and English, so they can all interact with each other, which were known as black