Founded in the 10th century B.C., Sparta was originally a social city-state, its people traded with other city-states, and craftsmen produced fine vases and metal workings. “The Spartans are said to have played a leading role in the invention of Greek music, and Alcman, a Spartan poet, became very well known.”1 It conquered the nearby Messenia, also in southern Greece. However, two events caused Sparta to change immensely. …show more content…
The allies of Sparta remained independent, but were required to send soldiers as reinforcements when it was necessary. Sparta was ruled by two kings, who led them in war. However, when they weren’t at war, the kings’ powers were confined to religious duties. There were five Ephors that were elected every year by the Assembly, and presided over the daily running of the city-state. The third level of the Spartan government, the council, was called the Gerousia. The Gerousia was composed of the two kings, and twenty councillors, and acted as a judge. It also made laws, which had to be passed by the Apella. The Apella was the Assembly, and was a group of all Spartan citizens over the age of thirty. “Spartans voted by shouting ‘yes’ or ‘no’: the loudest group won.”1
Sparta is remembered as the strongest military force in all of Greece. It defeated its enemies in battle, and its soldiers were famous for their bravery. While they were fighting the Greek colonists in Ionia, the Persians got involved, and swayed the Spartans into leaving by providing them with money to build a fleet. This meant that the Spartan army could now attack by sea as well as being nearly undefeatable in land