However, Germany was one of the worst due to the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles.
This was a major reason why Hitler was able to come to power. Once the Nazi party was the favor of many people, Hitler organized a private army he called “storm troopers” who used brown-shirted uniforms and the swastika emblem of his party. These “storm troopers” fought the arms of the Communist, Social Democratic, and other parties who opposed Nazi ideals. Adolf Hitler would soon become one of the most powerful men in
Germany. Although Hitler would become one of the most influential dictators, Joseph Stalin is close in comparison. After, the Bolshevik revolution Stalin was named commissar of nationalities. During the Civil war, the Russian Social Democratic Labor party was renamed the Russian Communist Party. After this party was created, Stalin became one of the newly formed Politburo, the policy making body of the party’s central committee. In 1912, the Communist Party’s Central Committee decided to elect Stalin as its general secretary. Although Stalin was elected to such a high office, one person was troubled by Stalin before death. Before Lenin had a series of strokes, he wrote a secret note warning that Stalin must be removed as general secretary. In his note he wrote that Stalin was too “rude” in personal relations and abused his office. The only reason why Lenin was unable to remove Stalin was because of his illness, and when the Bolsheviks learned of the secret note, they disregarded it. Stalin had managed to persuade them he would improve his behavior, but Stalin continued to build his own power and destroy his rivals. In December 1929, the party praised Stalin on his 50th birthday, he had become a dictator.
Although Hitler and Stalin, may be harsh and unfair dictators, they were very intelligent. Adolf Hitler knew nothing about economics and showed little interest in the subject, but was able to save German financially. The economic system of the Third Reich was “a form of capitalism in which the state controlled, organized, and guided production, consumption, and the distribution of income.” The market became highly regulated and business could enjoy large profits and a considerable degree of freedom so long as it did not impede the political objectives of the regime. The governments role in the economy was supervisory and when the Four-Year Plan launched in 1936, the aim was to make Germany self-sufficient in raw materials and agricultural products. The Nazis economic policy was largely based on fascist economic theories. Joseph Stalin however, knew about economics. In 1928, after Stalin became dictator started the first Five-year plans for the Soviet Union in order for economic development to occur. Once the five-year plan was placed in motion, the government began to get rid of private businesses, and production of industrial machinery and farm equipment became more important. Stalin wanted to transform the USSR from industrial to agricultural so he decided to end private farming and transfer the control of farms, farm equipment, and livestock to the government. However, many of the farmers that had their land seized resisted his order and demolished about half of the USSR.'s livestock and a lot of its produce. Stalin would not let this action go unpunished so he killed a mass number of peasants or exiled them, which in turn caused a mass starvation.
Hitler and Stalin could be argued to be evil men and bad leaders, but they were great political leaders. After Hitler was incarcerated, he wrote a book called Mein Kampf in which he described his political views and developed most of his antisemitic ideals. Mein Kampf did not contain any new ideas, and many people believed that races were not equal, and some people believed some were better than others. Hitler developed these ideals and stated that the German population were descendants of a race called Aryans, who were superior to all others and would one day be rulers of the world. In the eyes of Hitler Jews were a separate race and were unable to be German. He believed the Jews plotted against Aryans to rule the world for themselves. Hitler also believed that communism was a huge threat to Germany and should be destroyed, because he thought that communism was a Jewish creation and that was another reason why he despised the Jews. Hitler was set on making the “master race” and wanted to get rid of the handicapped because he believed they were a drainage of resources. Stalin was a more open minded dictator than Hitler but more harsh in his ideals. Stalins goal was to create a perfect Communist state in Russia, and transform the Soviet Union into a totalitarian state. During his dictatorship, Stalin implemented fear, and rapid industrialization into the Soviet Union. This helped the economy of Russia develop and help them get out of debt.
Hitler used propaganda and control of mass media to persuade large populations of people. He made ll radio and other media under the control of the Nazi party and no foreign media were allowed.