
How Did Stalin Stop The Spread Of Communism

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How Did Stalin Stop The Spread Of Communism
America was a capitalist country. The citizens believed in respect for individual differences, private property, free elections, and religious and economic freedom. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union was a dictatorship. Under Joseph Stalin, the communist party made every military, political and economic decision. The soviet citizens could not do as they please.
President Harry S. Truman wanted nothing but peace with the Soviet Union but the Soviet Union did not want peace, they wanted expansion. This was the early stages of the spread of communism but America was not letting that happen. America decided to intervene and stop Joseph Stalin’s plan. On that note, America had a policy they followed by which was containment. In order to stop Stalin, America came up with three way to do so, the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall plan, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
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He wanted to protect Russia in order to do so Stalin did not want to let Germany strike Russia ever again, “he was determined” (BG essay). Stalin obviously wanted to expand the Soviet Empire. Churchill noted there was an Iron Curtain had derived through the European continent. East from the curtain, the Soviet Union was gaining more power by forcing communist government and police states also by destroying religious and political dissent. Churchill also feared the Soviet Union was trying to expand towards Western Europe and East Asia. Truman wanted to aid those in Greece and Turkey. He warned if America retreated into isolationism the peace of the world would be in danger. Soon after, congress voted to donate 400 million dollars to aid those in Greece and Turkey. Truman promised to help the nations who are struggling against communist movements; they named this the Truman

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