In the early 1970s, computers were mainframes that required their own office space. There was no such thing as a personal computer. After dabbling around in early video games for a while, Wozniak invented the first Apple computer. Jobs saw the potential and knew he could sell it. Advisors told Jobs that nobody would want a personal computer in their homes. Jobs felt otherwise and proved them wrong.
Jobs believed that once people understood the uses of the Apple personal computer, there would be demand for one on every desktop in every office and home. Free enterprise helped Apple computers grow very quickly, because they had to supply a huge growing demand. Very quickly, Apple moved from Jobs' parents' garage to a very modern, large complex in Palo Alto, the heart of Silicon …show more content…
Valley. Demand was so high that they soon began devloping the Macintosh, which gave users a whole new way of using a personal computer. During this process, Microsoft came out with Microsoft Word, and Jobs was furious that his idea for the Mac was stolen and released before he could get his Mac out on the market.
In this case, the free enterprise system worked against Jobs, but it does show that there was enough demand for perspnal computers that many new computer companies began starting up.
These companies came into being because the free enterprise system encourages compitition where there is high demand. Clealy, those claiming that nobody would want a personal computer in their home or office were wrong. Apple's goal for personal computers was to have one on every desk in every household, and through the vision and drive of Steve Jobs, we now have computers that fit in the hand and pocket, and people have become so dependent on them, they don't know how they would live without
In conclusion, The free enterprise system helped Steve Jobs create Apple computers and changed how people use personal computers as an integral part of their daily lives. Computers have gone from huge computing machines to desktops, to laptops, to small hand-held devices. People use their personal computers as telephones, as GPS devices, as calendars, gaming systems, encyclopedias, for networking, texting, and so much more. The demand for computers was so high when Apple started and continued to grow over the years as the technology was advanced by many geniuses. Today, you can find hardly anyone who can live without a personal computer, thanks to Jobs and Wozniak.
Word Count: 499