Imagine not having the simple rights, not only as an American citizen, but as a human being. Women and blacks had no rights in this country. They could not vote, pick an educated career, or even have ownership of their children. Susan B. Anthony needed more, so she started fighting for the unheard voices of America. Susan B. Anthony has positively benefitted modern society by standing up for equal rights and fighting for opportunities for women.
Susan B. Anthony has significantly benefitted modern society by standing up for equal rights. Anthony strongly believed in abolishing slaver. This is probably because she grew up in the northern state of Massachusetts, which fought for the Union. Her family was …show more content…
There was still the ongoing fight for women and that did not stop Susan and her fellow activist, Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Together they founded the Women's Suffrage Association and wrote weekly publications about women's rights. Because of the Civil War their work had to be postponed, but they continued as soon as the war was over and their fight for their rights would never stop.Even though Anthony died in 1906, before women would ever get the right to vote, "she helped pave the way for women's suffrage", which would finally be passed in the 19th Amendment. Because Susan B. Anthony was brave enough to fight for something she believed in, she changed the world and gave all the people of America the right to vote, the right to change their lives, be in control of the way they live, and how they got to live it.
Susan B. Anthony has positively benefitted modern society by fighting for women's opportunities. Once said by Susan B. Anthony, "I declare to you that women must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand". The times have