When the opium was brought into China caused many people there to be lazy and almost lifeless. Chinese citizens laid out on the sides of streets because
of opium as shown in drawings of China from that time period Chinese citizens would smoke their pipe and then lay on the ground high in a kind of sleep as shown in the “Destitute of opium use”. The chinese also knew opium was not used in Britain because they knew it was harmful as Lin Tse-Hsu’s letter of advice stated “…I have heard that the smoking of opium is very strictly forbidden by your country; that is because the harm caused by opium is clearly understood.”
A treaty was made between China and Britain because when China tried stopping the British from bringing opium into their country which started a war because the British did not want the Chinese people to stop them from trading opium into China. The British also forced China to let people and merchants stay there without being harmed “Article II. His Majesty the Emperor of China agrees that British Subjects, with their families and establishments, shall be allowed to reside, for the purpose of carrying on their Mercantile pursuits” “Article III. It being obviously necessary and desirable that British Subjects should have some Port whereat they may careen and refit their Ships” this shows how unfair the treaty that the British made was to China they forced to chinese to accept and protect their traders.
In conclusion the British were very unfair to the Chinese people about trading opium. China and Britain’s relationship in the nineteenth century was not very good because the British were bringing opium into China which caused a large amount of Chinese people to become addicted to opium. This is relative today because there are drug smugglers who bring drugs into countries who do not want it which then they take it and destroy it.