The KKK would attack blacks and would burn black churches down. Police Arrest King twice and Africans Americans grew weary of the injustices that began occurring, since black car pool began being ticketed and Police were harassing people. King had to calm down the community and reassure them they were doing the right thing. He told them to continue with the nonviolence disobedience and not bear arms (Tindall, America, 1278). King push for the continuation of nonviolence and it spread to the use of sit-ins and marches to get it done. The actions of the Greensboro Four, who held a sit-in at a lunch counter, were refused service because only whites could be served there at the counter. They waited forty-five minutes then left and returned the following day with two dozen more students. They returned day after day, and quietly sat there as they were being jeered, cuffed, and spat on by whites (Tindall, America, 1307). The groups helped create a Student Nonviolent Coordination Committee (SNCC) that continued the nonviolent protest by attending all white churches and
The KKK would attack blacks and would burn black churches down. Police Arrest King twice and Africans Americans grew weary of the injustices that began occurring, since black car pool began being ticketed and Police were harassing people. King had to calm down the community and reassure them they were doing the right thing. He told them to continue with the nonviolence disobedience and not bear arms (Tindall, America, 1278). King push for the continuation of nonviolence and it spread to the use of sit-ins and marches to get it done. The actions of the Greensboro Four, who held a sit-in at a lunch counter, were refused service because only whites could be served there at the counter. They waited forty-five minutes then left and returned the following day with two dozen more students. They returned day after day, and quietly sat there as they were being jeered, cuffed, and spat on by whites (Tindall, America, 1307). The groups helped create a Student Nonviolent Coordination Committee (SNCC) that continued the nonviolent protest by attending all white churches and