
How Did The Industrial Revolution Change British Society

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How Did The Industrial Revolution Change British Society
The industrial revolution in Britain was a transformation that helped to make the world how we live today. Britain became a more powerful country after allowing explosions of new ideas and new technological inventions. These new technological inventions create an increasingly industrial and urbanized country. The industrial revolution has changed British society in different ways. The idea of new technology and inventions brought growth in agricultural and industrial production, economic products and changes in living condition. In other words, it affects the British society both positively and negatively. All the changes during the process of industrial revolution brought us into today’s Britain.

Coal kick-started the industrial
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One of the explanation for the fact that the industrial revolution first took place in Britain was because scientific and technological ideas didn't suffer censorship by harsh or state that happened in many European countries at that time. Thousands of scientific breakthroughs occurred in this country, including Newton’s theory of force of gravity and one of the most influential sociologist, Adam Smiths. He was known as the founding father of economic liberalism in Britain. Smith’s findings changed people's view on “the perspective of God’s given the society, therefore, it could not be changed” to “it is possible to manipulate the society.” In 1759, he published “The Theory of Moral Sentiments”, which brought him to meet a French philosopher of Enlightenment, Voltaire. Smith has learned a lot about the economic system in French from Voltaire; he received valuable insights from Voltaire’s ideas. He learned that in France, the government allowed import of raw material to make sure the goods to be only produced in their country. Smith became more critical of import duties and restrictions. Smith also learned that the “division of labour ” was an important element in the economic system as it made one more productive. In other words the bigger the market, the more room for specialization in certain areas. The further increase of the productivity would lower the prices as the competition went up. Following by these inspirations, Smith started the expansion of the market. He openly criticized restrictions from both the guild and the governments, claiming that he is confident that the unregulated form of a free market will provide a sustainable wealth go the whole country. The British society began to change rapidly after Smith’s ideas occurred. Private citizens were redirecting rivers; they were also building long distance road for faster transportation. For instance, the

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