They decided to move on and look into the European, resource rich colonies in Southeast Asia. The Japanese had been using a secret code and the American Military discovered in 1940. After they cracked the code the united states knew what the Japanese plan was in southeast Asia. They couldn’t allow the …show more content…
They planned a huge attack on Southeast Asia and in the pacific. Yamamoto the admiral of Japan said that “The US Fleet is a dagger pointed out our throats and the must be destroyed.” On December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii that attract left a lot of damage. It broke 18 ships and 2,400 Americans dead and 1000 were injured. The next day United States Of America declared war on Japan. President Roosevelt said that day would forever live …show more content…
The americans and Australians teamed up. Colonel James Doolittle was the air force leader and he ordered to attack on the Japanese cities. America launched B52 and bombed the city of Tokyo and Nagasaki. These bomb were successful and Japan was under attack. The Japanese thought they were undefeatable until they got bombed and they saw that they could also be destroyed. Also the people in Japan though they were invincible and nothing was ever going to happen to them since their country was the one attacking. They didn’t think they were going to be attacked as