Certain viewpoints of the coexistence of science and religion arose during this time. Science, specifically, was targeted by Fundamentalists who believed them to be against religion. The …show more content…
Despite the and progressive ideologies of many people throughout the United States, the Klan held much political power and reached around five million members. As see in document I, the Klan held a rally in Washington D.C. and did not wear their masks; they did not fear being recognized or facing any repercussions for belonging to or participating in the group. The Klan prospered in the South. As stated in document H, African Americans had to deal with Jim Crow laws, cruel people, and lynchings. Due to this, many moved North or West hoping to find better opportunities. Harlem was a popular destination for these people. The concentration of black culture in this area and returning black troops bringing the fight for democracy back with them allowed the growth of the Harlem Renaissance. The entertainment industry helped this become popular by spreading the music and art. The North experienced a flourishing of black culture, while the South continued with keeping black people as second-rate citizens. There were still problems in the North, though. Though they were good enough to perform for white people, black people were still very much discriminated against. Racism was widespread, but despite this the black community still rose and argued for the “New Negro,” a full citizen and socially equal to