Luther King emphasized his faith that all men, someday, would be brothers.
The rising tide of civil rights agitation greatly influenced national opinion and resulted in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, guaranteeing equal voting rights, outlawing discrimination in restaurants, theatres, and other public accommodations involved in interstate commerce, and encouraging school desegregation. The March On Washington changed a lot of things after the fact. Most things that were the problem were resolved but there was many more things that the United States citizens could work on as a whole. All of the citizens of the United States citizens gathered there that day at The March On Washington had a purpose, a purpose that only they knew they wanted to happen sometimes along the lines of history. Their were racist whites and, racist blacks, mexicans, chinese all people. They all had one thing in common thought. They were concerned and or worried about what was to come in the future. Of course the blacks and whites were basically battling against each other they were considered as the complete opposites, but they were not the complete opposite they were all people at the end of the day and they all wanted one thing that everyone wanted and that was justice for what they thought was right and
what they wanted to happen and they believed that this was the way to do it but, that is why it was a battle of the races they wanted what they wanted and nobody was going to settle for less. In fact they all wanted just about the same things except they wanted was was “fair” for their race. They would act like that if they were together as a problem but it was not that is why they had peaceful protesters also. The March On Washington was meant to change people and meant to help everyone that was trying to voice their opinion voice it. The March On Washington was a peaceful protest of angry races. Even though this all happened, that would not change everything. We still battle racism today and that is what it is. Racism is one of the biggest things wrong today with not only our country but our world and its poisonous. All people eventually need to come as one and stop fighting. Racism will not stop completely but maybe it will someday.