establish the Treaty of Berlin. The Treaty of Berlin granted Serbia its independence, the Ottoman Empire owned Bulgaria, Austria/Hungary owned Bosnia, and Russia owned Romania. However, the Balkan states were upset because they were not given anything and were even more divided than before. Austria/Hungary also took over Bulgaria.
For Serbia, this was the last straw. The Serbian Prince decided to take action. He selected a group of men willing to kill and die for their country, this group was called the Black Hand gang. Their mission was to recreate a greater Serbia once again by killing the son of King Ferdinand, who was next in line for the Austrian/ Hungarian throne. His name was Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Their plan was to be present at the carriage ride that Franz Ferdinand was taking before making his big speech in Bosnia. Many different problems arose during the assassination but Franz Ferdinand was successfully killed. The members of the Black Hand gang were captured and the truth about their motives were spilled. All anger broke loose and a month later, Austria/Hungary declared war on Serbia. Two main alliances were created. The first alliance was called the Triple Alliance, this included Germany and Austria/ Hungary. Their motive was to stop Italy from allying with Russia. The second alliance, called the Triple Entente, included Russia, France, and later on in the war Britain, they did not sign for peace
separately. World War 1 lasted from 1914 to 1918, in that time period Germany attacked France, they also used railway systems to move troops to Russia to fight the Russian soldiers, they called this the Schlieffen plan. On their way to Russia, German troops destroyed buildings and killed/raped women and children in Belgium. Britain (not involved in the war previous to this event) were disturbed and outraged by the Germans behavior that they joined World War 1. The causes of WW1 were Nationalism, Militarism, and Imperialism. Without these three main factors WW1 would not of been affirmed.
The first main cause or the first motive of WW1 was nationalism. Nationalism is the patriotic feeling one has towards their country or believing they are better than another country. Nationalism was the reason countries believed they were better than the other and the should have more privileges. This was the first motive because nationalism was the one aim countries had to start a dispute with one another For example, the Balkan states had nationalism towards their country and thought the they were to admirable to be ruled under the Ottoman Empire.