Hundreds of mysterious tunnels that are older than 10 thousand years were discovered in Brazil. On the walls of these amazing tunnels there are mysterious claw marks. According to geologists, there are not known geological processes that can create such long tunnels with elliptical and circular cross sections that rise, fall and branch. Moreover, there are no tunnels that have claw marks on their walls. There are many dozens of caves in the world with inorganic origin. However, animals had no role in the creation. These mysterious tunnels were discovered by some Brazilian experts and geologists. They have found hundred of these tunnels and they believe …show more content…
As National Geographic explains, Brazil was inhabited by Indians before the Europeans arrived here. The Indians were not aware of the existence of iron. Therefore, they were not able to create tools that could help them dig through the hard rocks and these tunnels are located in such a place. The mystery of these tunnels continues even further. There are hundreds of these tunnels through Brazil. However, many of these tunnels are filled with sediment. Sediment accumulated inside the tunnels when they were abandoned. However, the entry points can be clearly located, as well as the elliptical or circular form. In Rondonia, Brazilian geologists have discovered a huge complex network of tunnels that are 600 meters long. These types of tunnels were also located in neighboring countries like Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Chile and Paraguay. Until now, 2.000 tunnels in all were discovered. They are approximately 10,000 years old. The exact age can be determined by examining the mineral deposits, but the examination has not been preformed …show more content…
According to the geologists, there is no doubt that these tunnels were excavated by land sloths. However, the scientists cannot confirm the exact species behind the creation. They know that the largest ones, such as the eremoterios and megatheriums, could not be the creators, as they were too large for this. The scientists cannot confirm the function of these tunnels as well. They believe that the climate may be the purpose. The climate then was hotter and drier and the tunnels are isothermal. However, this does not offer an explanation for why these tunnels were so long and so complex. The geologists only know that the tunnels were inhabited by large groups of armadillos or sloths. The walls and the ceilings of most of the tunnels are smooth and polished. This may be a result of the friction of the fur of the animals, which moved through the paleoburrows for several decades or maybe even several centuries. Nowadays, an animal with a 90 pound weight is able to dig a 16-inch tunnel. However, there is no animal that can create a tunnel that is 250 feet long and 5 feet wide. There is no explanation for this phenomenon. Neither an animal, nor humidity, nor climate can dig