
How Did The New Deal Affect The Economy

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How Did The New Deal Affect The Economy
1929 marked the beginning of the Great Depression. Agricultural overproduction, concentration of wealth, buying on credit and speculation, and wall street's ability to slip under the watchful eye of the government had finally caught up to the American people. Americans had gone from ballroom shoes to breadlines, and with Herbert Hoover's failing laissez-faire economics approach during the Depression citizens were desperate for a strife in American politics. Under Franklin Delano Roosevelt the American people found what critics would describe as overwhelming executive power and newly created laws that challenged the directiveness of the constitution. On top of this millions of people still forgaged for any occupation necessary, women and blacks repeatedly forced to bear the brunt of the economic collapse.
President roosevelt in an
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Roosevelt's National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) was dont know if i need quotes“designed to improve standards of labor, promote competition, reduce unemployment, and increase consumer’s purchasing power.” (Gale... ) As details would unfold it did just the opposite. The NIRA was broken down into three parts, the National Recovery Administration (NRA), also known as section three, mandated fair competition. (GALE) Working hours, wages, and minimum age of employees were all dictated by the president, corporations and industries forced to oblige. President Roosevelt’s interference with prices, exc, was an attack on federalism and the ideology of limited government which this country was built upon. In Schechter Poultry Corporation versus the United states the supreme court deemed the NRA unconstitutional because it violates the tenth amendment, that “the powers are not delegated to the United states by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” (United States

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