“In another city I stood nearby while 1,000 women received their first paychecks it was good to see their faces brighten and their steps quicken as they went back to their places with paychecks carefully folded in their old worn purses-- a guarantee of food, clothing, and shelter for their dependent families. (Woodward, n.d.)”
This quote shows that women wanted their …show more content…
In human terms that meant that over eight million Americans who wanted jobs could not find them. In 1939, after almost two full terms of Roosevelt and his New Deal, unemployment had not dropped, but had risen to 17.2 percent. Almost nine and one-half million Americans were unemployed. (Folsom, Powell, 2010, para. 1)”
The evidence shown by Folsom and Powell show that Roosevelt’s new deal made the depression worse. He raised the unemployment rates by 0.9% over 8 years which is about one and a half million people that lost their jobs as a result of the new deal. The reason the economy was fixed was because of World War 2. Wars are generally good for an economy because they force industries to make weapons which are bought by the government which allows industries to get a boost in sales because they are selling the things they make to the