
How Did The Paris Peace Conference Help Canada

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How Did The Paris Peace Conference Help Canada
The Paris Peace Conference was an essential piece to tie up the finale of World War One. The conference aided in making new peace treaties and a guarantee that countries would get reimbursed for all the damages that had been done to their land and economy. In consideration of all the benefits that all the countries would gain during the conference- and how much would be earned back. Canada was deserving of their seat in the Paris Peace Conference, not just due to all their military achievements but also because of all the damages, contributions, and sacrifices the homefront had done and or faced during the war. Firstly, Halifax was victim to one of the largest nuclear tragedies the war had seen. “2 supply ships; the Mont Blanc and the IMO... crashed into each other...causing a huge explosion” (Pickelle, ‘The home front’) “...2000 people killed, 9000 wounded and the north end of Halifax …show more content…
The explosion was the largest nuclear explosion in history at the time- and it was caused by something out of Canada’s hands. Which resulted in a total war in the country. Rebuilding all those lost buildings and any signs of life on the land would take large amounts of money. Due to the tragedy of the explosion, Canada deserved no severance for the explosion. Additionally, Canada as well as many other countries enacted conscription to help aid in the war, which was an extremely problematic decision. “The issue divided the country, causing tension between both English and French-speaking Canadians, leading to the violent anti-conscription protests.” (Pickelle.). Conscription was a highly controversial act which still stems from many political conflicts in the country at the present time. Many men did not want to go to war for many reasons- yet the country still passed the act.using some questionable methods. The government took a major risk enacting conscription - knowing they would lose public praise. Yet they knew the war needed

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